Bing Crosby Advocates is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving Bing Crosby's life and legacy, and showcasing his connections to his home town, Spokane. One way we do this is volunteering to show visitors the Bing Crosby House Museum, his childhood home at 508 E. Sharp Ave, on the campus at Gonzaga University.

Bing Crosby's
Childhood Home

508 E. Sharp Ave. Spokane, WA
Bing Crosby's father Harry and two of Bing's uncles built this home in 1911, when Bing was 8 years old. It remains in its original location. The main floor houses the Bing Crosby Collection, which contains more than 200 items including Bing's gold records, trophies, awards, and an official Academy Award given for his performance in Going My Way (1944).
The house is open free of charge to the public. Free parking directly behind the back of the house.
Mondays 1 - 4:00 p.m.
Wednesdays 1 - 4:00 p.m.
Fridays 1 - 4:00 p.m.
Saturdays 1 - 4:00 p.m.
The Museum
Gonzaga University Bing Crosby Collection

Gonzaga University houses a large collection of material relating to 20th Century singer and actor Harry Lillis (Bing) Crosby, a childhood resident of Spokane and alumnus of Gonzaga. Crosby began to donate items to Gonzaga University in preparation for the opening of the Crosby Library in 1957, and today, Bing's boyhood home, the Bing Crosby House Museum, showcases those items and more for Bing's many enduring and brand new fans.
Items in the Crosby Collection include photographs, audiovisual recordings, paintings and artwork, books, original manuscripts, memorabilia, research material, fan club periodicals, and the entire collection of the former Bing Crosby Historical Society of Tacoma, Washington. For a complete inventory of the Crosby Collection, contact the University Archives and Special Collections department at 509-313-3873 or uasc@gonzaga.edu.
Bing Crosby Collection

The above photo is of Bing surrounded by his friends. It was taken about the same time Bing's childhood home was built. The house behind Bing's buddies was not his house, but still exists. It was moved across Sharp Avenue several years ago.
The Crosby Collection includes photographs of
Bing, his family, friends, and contemporaries, and places associated with him.
Books and other Secondary Material:
Books in various editions by Bing and other books either about him, his family, friends, and contemporaries. Also, includes books owned by him.
News clippings about Bing and his family, sheet music, Bing Crosby Pro-Am Golf Programs, scrapbooks about Crosby created by his fans.
The Library receives gift subscriptions of periodicals donated by the various Bing Crosby fan clubs, such as Club Crosby and the International Crosby Circle.
Research Material:
Materials gathered by scholars and fans about him. This includes correspondence, research notes and manuscripts
Includes three dimensional objects such as: ice cream cartons, coloring books, buttons, clothing, etc.
Bing Crosby Fan Club Periodicals
The Bing Crosby Fan Club Periodicals lists the holdings of various periodicals of Crosby fan clubs from throughout the world.
Bing Crosby Radio Shows:
Gonzaga University has a large collection of Bing Crosby radio discs including:
The Bing Crosby Show : 1949 - 1954
Kraft Music Hall: 1943 - 1946
Minute Maid Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice: 1949 - 1950
Philco Radio Time: 1946 - 1949
Miscellaneous: 1936 - 1960
For a complete inventory, please contact the Gonzaga University Archives and Special Collections department at 509-313-3873 or uasc@gonzaga.edu.